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Monday, February 4, 2013

Make it Monday: Chunky Cowl

Supplies needed: 
1 skein chunky yarn or 2 skeins worsted weight and crochet with two strands
Crochet hook size P
Yarn needle

Basic crochet skills (double crochet and half double crochet stitches used)

Chain 55 and join to make a circle. You can make it larger or smaller to fit your neck. 
If you want to wear it as a hood make sure it is long enough to frame your face and neck.

Row 1: Single crochet in each stitch all the way around. 
Join with a slip stitch in the top of the first single crochet.

Row 2: Double crochet in each stitch all the way around. 
Join with a slip stitch in the top of the first double crochet.

Row 3: Half double crochet in each stitch all the way around. 
Join with a slip stitch in the top of the first half double crochet.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until the cowl is wide enough to hang comfortably around your neck and pull up over your head if you want a hood.

Fasten off, trim yarn and weave in tails.

I love this scarf because it's just so snuggly! I love to wear it as a shawl and a hood. I had a head cold all weekend and basically lived in it.

Edit: I made a downloadable ebook of this pattern. Get it here


Brenda Miller said...

I really want to make this, but have never crocheted! Would it be hard for a first-timer? Or do you have a knitted version?

Unknown said...

I think it might be a bit hard for a first project because it is so loose. I know that I crocheted really tight when I first started, so doing something loose might be difficult because the stitches are less defined. It's an easy beginner project though if you have some basic stitches down.
I've haven't come across any knitted cowl patterns but I'm sure there are some on http://www.ravelry.com/ A Ravelry account is free and gives you access to search their database for patterns for just about anything!

Unknown said...

I've made a bunch of knitted cowls- they're a great beginner project! And Ravelry is a great resource for finding free patterns at pretty much any skill level, I'd definitely check it out.

Unknown said...

And Heather, this pattern is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I am sooooooo making this cowl. Love the versatility!!!!!

Unknown said...

if you do make it, I would love to see pictures of how it turns out

Cher said...

I'm making this now. The only thing I changed was starting with a 55-single crochet foundation row instead of the 55 chains. I tried it first with the chains, but the chain kept twisting no matter how careful I was. The foundation row makes it easier. After the foundation you just skip the row of singles and move right into the pattern.

Unknown said...

What a good idea Cher! I always have trouble with the first row after the chains and that is a great way to fix that problem (and the twisting).

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